Zangezur Corridor and options that are still on the table

7 April 2024
view 490
In recent months Israels attack on the Gaza Strip and the brutal killing of this regime against the Palestinian people has become the main news of all the media resulting in all the other geopolitical-territorial crises and disagreements on the sidelines. However due to the issue of genocide in Gaza and the high intensity of conflicts and casualties in this war it is necessary to remain at the forefront of political analysis. Still it seems considering the multitude of threats around Irans borders neglecting other geopolitical issues and problems in the countrys peripheral area is also not expedient.
With the two-year conflict in Ukraine the movements in geography soft field and narrative have intensified. On the one hand Russia has succeeded in oc...
The world is still witnessing the brutal attacks of the Zionist regime on Gaza and the actions of various states and the movements of the Middle East ...